5 great ways to switch up your autumn skincare routine

Autumn is officially here and with that a change in weather. Fires will soon be lit; heaters turned on; airconditioners turned up… And with the changes in your environment, your skin will feel it first. But, with some minor updates to your skincare routine, you’ll be all set for autumn. Read our top 5 updates that you can make to your autumn skincare routine.
1 – Don’t forget the sunscreen
UV rays don’t stop just because it’s a little cooler, especially here in New Zealand. UVB rays, the ones that cause sunburn may be a little weaker, but UVA rays (the ones that cause skin cancer and premature aging) are still as strong. Apply sunscreen daily to your face, décolletage, and any other areas exposed to sunlight. And remember, it must be a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to be effective.
2 – Calm the cleansing
During the cooler months, when we use a lot of heating indoors, reduce how often you’re deep cleansing. Make sure you use a non-drying cleanser to ensure your skin loses as little moisture as possible.
Our Natural Makeup Remover & Cleanser is made from coconut oil, a natural degreaser to remove your makeup easily and cleanse naturally while replenishing your skin.
Get it here: Natural Makeup Remover & Cleanser
3 – Get scrubbing!
It’s time to exfoliate in order to brighten that complexion and restore that natural glow that you may lose in the cooler months when you’re not being ‘sun-kissed’. Exfoliation also helps in avoiding those dreaded autumn and winter breakouts!
For a natural exfoliation, add a sprinkle of baking soda or coffee grounds to a couple of pumps of Natural Makeup Remover & Cleanser in the palm of your hand, mix, and gently massage your skin. Wash off with tepid water and follow with Witch Hazel Toner and organic Neroli B or Frankincense Face Oil. Or use our new Konjac Sponge to gently exfoliate.
Read about how to use the Konjac Sponge here
4 – Maximise that moisture!
As the temperatures cool, and the heating systems kick in, prevent moisture loss on your face and body with a luxuriously thick moisturiser. Our Natural Body Butter is made from organic shea butter – perfect to nourish and protect your skin through autumn and winter. And, it’s gentle enough to use on your face, hands, and whole body.
Get it here: Natural Body Butter
5 – Nourish from within
Water, water, water! Getting in plenty of water and eating water-based fruits and vegetables do wonders for your skin in this changing season. You’re going from a warm home to a cold car, to an airconditioned office… and all of these changes in temperature can wreak havoc with the skin! So, even when you may not necessarily feel thirsty, remember that your body – and skin – need that liquid. Take small sips throughout the day to ensure your body is hydrated.
And it’s as simple as that – your autumn skincare routine is sorted!