Skincare during pregnancy

Our bodies go through drastic changes during pregnancy and while we might change what we eat or drink, we might not think to change what we put on our skin.
Certain products, ingredients, and chemicals can pose risks for both mum and bub. So we’ve done our research to find out exactly where the risks lie, as well as some quick and easy changes you can make to your daily beauty routine to decrease or eliminate those risks altogether.
Aluminium Chloride Hexahydrate: Normally found in antiperspirants, it affects the cells that produce sweat.
Use a deodorant that allows the skin to breathe while effectively keeping sweat at bay. Our 100% Natural Deodorant is aluminium free, using only baking soda, arrowroot, petitgrain oil, beeswax, and a little vitamin E.
Beta Hydroxy Acids: Normally used in cosmetics to hide the effects of aging, it can lead to irritated or irritated skin.
For an effective anti-aging skincare treat, opt for a natural face oil that hydrates and nourishes the skin. Your skin will feel smooth and plump with a lovely glow that can only be achieved using products that enhance your natural skin. Our Frankincense Face Oil is quickly absorbed and leaves your skin feeling silky. Frankincense is a safe oil to use during pregnancy.
Phthalates: Normally found in synthetic fragrances, phthalates can lead to lower birth weight, preterm births, asthma symptoms, and altered behaviour (especially in toddlers).
Fragrance-free skincare products. We don’t add any synthetic fragrances are added to our products, opting rather to let the natural fragrances of the ingredients and essential oils we use take centre stage. Try our range of Body Butters, available in 3 natural scents: rose, aloe vera and jasmine:
Parabens, found in creams and cosmetics, essentially to keep them free of microbes and bacteria. They are known to disrupt normal hormone function and because they mimic estrogen, can lead to an increase in breast cancer cells.
Skincare products that make use of natural antibacterial and antimicrobial ingredients. Our Makeup Remover and Cleanser contains Coconut Oil which has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties to protect your skin from potential pathogens.